Tuesday, 30 December 2008

What Time Do The Fireworks Start Officer?

Oh Joy of Joys I've escaped that annual ritual of drunken anti-climax that is New Years Eve Celebrations. I will not be walking around in the freezing cold this year suffering angst as another "had too many" reveller asks me what time the fireworks start. For us they start usually at about 2am or whatever time everybody is decanted onto the streets. Mrs Stressed has not been so lucky, so I am due to be home alone babysitting. My crime fighting efforts are done for the year, but I shall raise a glass to those who are sat inside a cell this year end due to me. I've had a quiet year due to my injury but still managed to do a few covert ops.

I'm apparently healed but the consultant has said, if he had my injury there's no way he would be out running - that's ever again. I've now seen the X-Rays and there's considerably more metal work inside me than I imagined. This could have serious implications for me career wise but I've decided to keep schtum, as I need the streets, it's what I do. This blog was meant to be my mental jogging to get me through and looks like it will have to continue. I only got back into the running and fitness due to my stress problems and ultimately this has cost me dear. I suppose that's what you call a true "Stress Fracture". On the plus side I'm virtually guaranteed a blue badge when I'm older - so not all bad news. Free Parking for life.

Next year I shall embark on some hippy CBT and am booking up for sessions in March. Can't face it in the winter but am forking out hundred's for this. So that should be something to blog on. Still looking for a new job too.

Happy new year to any readers out there, and my thanks to Damo and others who have contributed. See you in 2009.


PC Plastic Fuzz said...

Happy New Year mate!

Anonymous said...

Hey have a happy New Year or as it's said in Irish: "Athbhliain faoi Mhaise Duit". Don't ask me how to pronounce it though.